
Behringer FCB1010 mods and more!

Category Archives: AxeFx

FCBInfinity: Stompbox modes explained

Since I frequently get questions about this I think it’s time I explained little better what I have in mind with the “Stompbox modes” I had announced.

I’ve added (cheap, temporary) stickers to indicate which button controls which effect on the AxeFx

Seeing the image above you can clearly see that I intend to have every button control an effect. This is accomplished by toggling the bypass state of the associated effectblock on the AxeFx, by sending a ControlChange message via MIDI.

The metal button on the left is the ‘Mode Switcher’. With this button I can loop through the various modes described below:

10-stomps mode

That’s the mode you can clearly see in the image above and, like explained, in this mode every button controls an effect. The old bank buttons ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ now recall the next or previous preset on the AxeFx. So in this mode you can still move to a nearby preset quite easily without tap-dancing back and forth through the different modes 😉 The X/Y button sets all the effect blocks to either X or Y state. So even this nice feature of the AxeFx lies at your finger… err.. toe tips.

‘Normal’ mode

With one press on the mode selector we loop back to the ‘Normal’ mode. I call this the normal mode because this is how my FCB1010 was originally setup with the old UnO chip. One row stomps, one row preset selectors and BankUp and BankDown selecting banks on the FCB. This is all the same with the exception of the X/Y button. So in this mode you don’t have 5 preset selectors as you would normally have, but 4 and the X/Y toggle. This mode is still nice if you have a couple of different presets you use throughout a song.

Looper mode

Keeping the mode switcher pressed for 2 seconds will move us to the Looper mode, where all the buttons will magically transform into controls for the Looper in the AxeFx. (which at this time is not yet programmed into the FCBInfinity yet, but is really easy to implement). The looper is a nice little feature where you can play and record something you play into the AxeFx and keep looping it, so you can solo over it or add some layers to your song, quite nice.

No constrains

That’s about it on the modes. I just want to stress that this is my setup and I don’t want to force you to use the FCBInfinity like I do. The source code is completely open, you can even modify the PCB if you wish. Should you want three banks of 10 effect stomp buttons, that’s only 5 minutes worth of programming time. Like it says, the FCBInfinity gives you infinite possibilities. It could also control other devices; one stomp-mode could control the AxeFx, another mode could play chords on a keyboard! Have fun, you’re free to do anything! 😛

Current status:

A little bit more on the current progress; as said I still have to implement the looper mode, which should take no longer than 30 minutes now I have all the right software tools at hand. All that remains is adding the tap-tempo button, the tuner button, a reset button on the back of the device for easier programming of the Teensy chip, some finishing touches of the backpanel (usb port for programming). After that it’s all done. Then it’s time to create some permanent labels that have room to show what the button will do in the various modes.

Behringer FCB1010: FCBInfinity finally doing what was intended!

… it’s working! Haha, it’s 1:30 am here, and tomorrow I will probably read this post and see many typos but nonetheless I wanted to share the following with you:

Nais! We’ve got patch names and tuner on the display over midi!

Really awesome! I also found out that the AxeFx (at least the AxeFx-II) sends a midi message when you change presets manually on the AxeFx, this means I can keep the FCBInfinity totally in sync. So far I can request the AxeFx to send the patch name and display the response on-screen and also display the Tuner messages. Unfortunately the AxeFx doesn’t send tuner messages all the time and you really need to enable the tuner (by Midi) on the AxeFx to receive the tuner data. That means I do need to add a dedicated button to toggle the tuner.

The 1 to 10 buttons on the FCB are programmed to change between patches 1 – 10 on the Axe at the moment. I only have one strange thing when sending the ProgramChange messages to the AxeFx. Changing presets from 1 – 10 work fine, except when I change to preset #2, then the Axe suddenly jumps to 384 (Bypass). Changing to patch #1 and #3 work fine… Mind boggling, someone got a clue?

Anyways, now I have most of the components I need to make this into a kick ass controller, I only have  to write the code to get the parameters for global effect blocks, so I can detect what effects are enabled/disabled on a preset change event. Exciting times!


This is what it looks like so far

A greeting to my friends at the Fractal Audio Forums


My new rack (so far)

Two days ago I have received my new bag of goodies all the way from America, through Germany to my little appartement in Holland. I must say the AxeFx in combo with the AtomicAmp cabs sound unbelievable. Mind == Blown, for sure. I wanted to let you folks know that tonight I will continue on the FCB1010 modification and quite possibly finish the soldering, drilling, hacking and sawing phase, so I can finally start on programming. Now I finally have the AxeFx (after a two month waitlist) I can finally start testing the Midi communications. Once I get the tuner on the LCD I’ll update here immediately 😉

My new setup