
Behringer FCB1010 mods and more!

Behringer FCB1010: Custom PCB update

Well, it shows this is the first time I do a project like this; things don’t go as fast as I want them to. While the board turned out fine for most parts, it seems I have made two errors in the design. The first is that the power regulator is backwards. The side that needs cooling and is bolted to the exterior of the FCB1010 is now faced inward (oops). The second error is that the expression pedals require an analog pin on the Teensy, due to a last-minute change in the design it seems they are hooked to a standard digital port at the moment. To remedy these two errors I unfortunately had to cut some traces on the board and relay the traces using some wires. Not really the way I wanted the board to end up, but I guess I will just finish it all up as-is. Of course I will fix the design and I’ll just have someone develop the new board for me (or more if you’re interested in a PCB of your own). Once I receive that board I will desolder everything and move it into the corrected PCB.

Howeverrrrr… most things work great now! The LCD, the RGB-led stompbox bank indicator, the Expression pedal circuitry, the LED digits, etc, etc, they all work! Now I just have to hook the two original button PCBs up to my board and start placing everything back in the FCB1010’s housing. Then I finally can start working on programming everything the way I want them to work. Soon, soon! 😛

Top side of the PCB, looking good

Bottom side, clearly shows the wires I had to use to fix my errors in the design

4 responses to “Behringer FCB1010: Custom PCB update

  1. Slickstring July 14, 2012 at 11:57 am

    Will you be posting the code as you work? It would be fun to learn more about Arduino this way. I’m learning a fair bit, but this might help me as well! Keep up the good work!

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