
Behringer FCB1010 mods and more!

Behringer FCB1010 Exterior update

I wanted to work a little bit more on the exterior, since that’s what my friends and family can easily understand. Therefore, above you can see the LCD mounted in the FCB1010’s housing. I will keep the location and looks of the bank number indicator led digits. Internally of course those will be mounted on my custom PCB. I took the original faceplate for the old led panel and bank number led digits and cut it so the LCD faceplate would fit. Since there was text and holes for the leds I have just sanded those off the backside of the platic plate. After sanding off those texts I just spray painted the backside black and that left me with a nice glossy black front panel with only the red transparent area intact for the led digits.

For those who noticed: on the left side you can see an extra push button and indicator led. That led actually is an RGB led and will be used to navigate through 3 stompbox banks. So instead of 5 stomp buttons I’ll have 15. It’s a little bit more tap dancing, but it’s only for the rarely used exotic effects.

The extra pushbutton underneath the expression pedals has already been mounted. I plan on using the right pedal for effect controls such as wah and whammy etc, the left pedal probably will be volume only, so I haven’t added a push button there yet.

Once I have everything programmed in a few weeks I plan on also adding custom button plates, to indicate which button operates which effect. I might also change the “1” button to “X/Y” select on the AxeFX and have 4 presets per bank on the FCB. Choices, choices 😛

Unfortunately my next update will probably be in about two weeks since I will be going on a holiday (poor me) 😛 I might upload a raw version of the PCB schematics before I leave though.

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